Waii thankyou and umm no waiii. To large a file. Maybe latter. Vista. Wai thankyou, I don't have any specific site. I just pick them up as I find...
Yeah the problem with Macs is that they are more expensive then the hardware equivalent of PC's
just to know what I'm missing out on. And they seem to work better with Photoshop/iTunes/Anything media related... Lol
Nope, never have had a Mac before in my life. I want to get one though. I just... Know about things, lol...
lolololo.... Apple seems to like to have slow servers and bloated software for some reason... Re; iTunes updater?... Why do you have to download...
Lol no worries. If you like Safari so much, and you're using a Mac I take it, you should try Camino http://caminobrowser.org/
Lol yes, of course -wink wink-
You're talking about the picture frames aren't you? [They randomly go through my favourite picture folder]
Yes it does =] I like the whole see through effect it has going on too, it's awesome cool =P
[img] [img] Spanish shopkeeper finds Homer Simpson euro Fri Aug 8, 2008 1:46pm EDT By Raquel Castillo [IMG] MADRID (Reuters) -...
Holy ****! My Ass Kissery alarm just went off! EDIT: I'll add this screenshot to keep the fuzz at bay. [IMG]
You like paedophiles? There's a reason it's illegal.
I've not actually watched it yet. =P
****ing damn straight, or ***** or... Oh **** it...
You clearly already picked me, oh and you said you wanted to give me positive rep? Oh why thankyou =]
It's not like that thread was a lie or anything? Don't be ashamed Ivory, we're very accepting around here. Well, as long as you're not one of...
Yeah but... Aren't you like 12?
Your post just seemed like ass kissery [It's a technical term you wouldn't understand], but Linu's actually seemed real and honest.
Aren't you like... 12?
Yes because I want a Mac to run my windows programs... Also it only works with XP as far as I know, not Vista. Anyway, I would much prefer to...