I guess I just find it strange that Bungie would go through the hassle of creating a playlist based on a hunch. Did grifball get its own playlist...
Wouldn't the data be skewed by the fact that it was double exp? I'm sure many people played double exp grifball even though they hated it just for...
Kellogg's is an american company
But how did they quantify popularity without the raw playlist numbers?
Actually I was just referring to scorch. Btw, I understand why 343 is putting so much effort into grifball, what I don't understand is why...
You would do that just to spite me?
What I hate most is the utter lack of gametype customization. This was my pet peeve in reach and it looks like they are doing the same thing again.
If you can find that picture of chuck...
I'm just happy tusk changed his avatar.
Microsoft owns Halo and effectively owns this game too. Why would Microsoft bother if they get a share of the profits. Notch has said that he...
New to me - YouTube
How do you know Halo 4 isn't a grifball simulator and slayer is a minigame?
Yeah, I don't understand why 343 doesn't just cater to your interests either.
Don't you just hate how women make generalizations?
We have to eat the frog.
As if there are any worthy posts in the PPC
and Colossus
Congratulations on achieving your dream, dude.
I find it funny that the first thing camo does when he comes back is put down other members. Not saying I disapprove, I just find it funny.