Please don't post something until it is finished and you are ready to put forth you best efforts. The maap could be good but It doesn't seem fair....
This is one of the most helpful and unique posts I have seen in aesthetics. I love all of these and am glad that you descibed all of them. This is...
This ia a really good idea though the ride up seem a bit bumpy. You should place a wall or teleporters around the sides to keep it steady. This...
This is a good map that doesn't look sloppy. It may not use much interlocking and geomerging but it still looks nice. The only problem I have is...
This does remind me of Bart's Manor but on the inside it looks much better. It's filled with little hiding spots and has good weapons. I'm glab...
Yes this map seems dull to ma and has too many problems. It's escapable, boring to humans, and the stationary guass hog can be take out onto the...
This could be a decent casual map but like everyone said already it doesn't belong in competitive. This seem sconfusing as well and needs more...
great first post! By looking at the pictures I can see it has a simple and playable feel to it. the bases look good though the human base looks...
As many people have said this does look a bit sloppy. I was wondering what is in the rest of foundry and how muchha acess do you have if you can...
Pretty nice grunt though it could be mistaken for a turkey. maybe thats just me. anyway good job
I think that this is a decent map but needs work. -The castle could be remade to look more like a castle. Maybe make it a little larger and add...
When I saw your pictures wern't working I followed your link but was dissapointed to find no information or pictures there either. please fix this...
Though this may seem like "just another infection map" i think that it boasts some major differences that place it above the rest. For starters...
cool new map that reminds me of tremors and cat and mouse. Good idea, especially the door that only zombies can go through
this looks good but judging by the layout it might be easy to spawn camp
looks a;right with good interlocking and layout. the geomerging on pictures 1 and 2 are slanted but this probably doesn't affect gameplay
some reason the pictures aren't working
looks fun but it might get frustrating if you will die every time a barrage comes down