You can't fix AL without changing it entirely. Remove it already, 343.
I think the if you lower the RoF of the DMR and NR I think you should also make them kill in fewer shots. That way, it feels less like spamming,...
That's... :O I'd love to test that some time.
I think the DMR and NR are fine, but the Magnum definitely needs a slower rate of fire or should be treated as a power weapon. (The second option...
Rock, paper, scissors implies that no strategy is involved and you can win based on luck. Which is true to a certain extend with AAs.
Evade should've stayed Elite-only. It's fine in Invasion because there's not that much CQC, but with small Spartans in CQC Evade is horrible. And...
This makes no sense. You act like strafing was the thing you had to do to win. Well, it wasn't. Getting the power weapons and positioning...
I was replying to Pegasi. :P
Getting headshots with the DMR is so much more satisfying than getting them with the BR. Love mah DMR.
Sprint certainly one of the least offensive AAs, and I wouldn't mind it if we only had it spawn and no other AAs. But honestly it's more of a...
AAs also lack in another compartment: Visual feedback. There is (besides the jetpack) no way of telling what kind of AA they have until they use....
You should read the my first post you commented on. I explained why the AAs ruin the gameplay. You don't reply to that, you only reply to what...
The only time when Reach online is enjoyable for me is when playing with other people. Yet I've played thousands of matches in the past in Halo 2...
Yes, because I hate AAs I hate the entire game. Seems like a logical conclusion. Also, a forum filled with only rainbows and cute little kitten...
I can't argue with that, you've won me over. Excellent post. Would read again.
Armor Abilities ruin Reach for me. Except for Hologram the all affect the gameplay in a negative way. This is especially the case when you can...
I hate Sword Base with a passion. The way you win is stay on top and wait for the opponents. That's not great map design. Neither is making the...
I prefer symmetrical maps simply because of the fact that they are a lot more balanced and usually a lot more fun competitively in nature.
I hope Invasion gets put to rest. I took so many resources and the result was still half-baked. BTB suffered from it by having zero real BTB maps...
I bet that's a priority.