200 hours? I don't believe you.
I'm fine with you being a competitive player, I'm one myself, but you take it to an entire new level. "you're time is better spent playing MLG"?...
God, you're such a tryhard it's not even funny anymore. You're even saying your GT is EW Snip3down in your profile. lol
I'd rather have fun than endure a single game of Grifball. Especially not for a few thousand credits.
People actually farm credits?
I know and that's the reason why Forge is a lot better for making maps for 4v4 than for 8v8.
Pretty much this. I've played it once or twice it didn't really enjoy it. Probably because I'm not a big fan of Invasion itself, but still. There...
Go yoink your boner in private matches then.
William, why do you the animation if it annoys you if someone steals your kill? Seriously, I don't get this. Does that animation give you such a...
I've made two version of the map right now by the way. I'll post some screenshots later on.
You don't want to know.
Best be trollin', son.
That's classic.
Get a new controller.
There's enough footage out there to check if you think it's worth it or not. If you're not convinced yet I doubt any other footage will do the trick.
You only get the 7 Anniversary maps, nothing else.
You jinxed it, man.
It only happens if there's bleedthrough (TU Beta playlist) or if shields are turned off and some other settings are changed (only in customs). So...
Like I previously said, it also happens in custom games without the TU settings (so no bleedthrough), but the circumstances need to be very...
So Oddball doesn't play as well on this map I heard? :P