Looks like a mauler.
Ehm, no. You guys should really stop making **** up. They said Ridgeline will feature a Forge tree object, nothing more. Also, seen the many...
Just finished the campaign and I must say I enjoyed it more than I was expecting.
No one said anything about being able to remove all the trees on the map.
Sorry, I meant pillars where I said bridges. The pillars themselves don't seem like Forge pieces, but the bridges connected to them certainly do.
<_< >_> No I didn't.
Ehm... yeah, no. You can't remove all tombstones. There's a distinct difference between the tombstones as seen in this picture. [img] As you...
You need to be Inheritor to buy the Haunted helmet.
It's ten times better than the **** BTB maps we have right now so I welcome it greatly.
I wouldn't count on it.
Yes (Except Installation 04), but most of the maps have a very limited amount of Forge objects similar to most Reach maps. Ridgeline (Timberland)...
Headlong and Timberland for sure.
I expected more from someone who tells others to play MLG to up their skill-level instead of playing other playlists for some quick credits....
4shot, is your GT Blood Gulch 7?
You have to rub it in don't you? :( I'm not approved yet. :P
Being constructive goes both ways. Only saying it's 'good' isn't constructive either. Polls don't say anything constructive anyway unless they...
I'm incredibly glad you didn't do a replay of every single on of the clips. These days nearly every top 10 (or top whatever) shows a replay of...
I'd say Haze was bad in my opinion. You guys thinking it's good doesn't make other people think it isn't bad. And to be clear this discussion...
Is this a serious statement?
While having nothing to do with the map, it irks me that the vote option are all (fairly) positive except for 'not my style'. 'Okay' seems better...