Forge World is more of an empty canvas than any of the FF maps are. Adding some Forge pieces won't turn them into good multiplayer maps.
People overestimate the quality of the firefight maps. They're hardly fit for multiplayer.
You can't Forge on FireFight maps because the AI isn't suited for it. Path-finding would be easily screwed up.
How is this map anything like Warlock?
Yeah, I'm probably going to remove them anyway. :P
You can see the rocks in a screenshot if you look carefully. :) They are slightly misplaced due to recent changes I've made, though. I should fix...
Technically ready isn't the same as ready to be shown yet.
Or it wasn't ready to be shown just yet.
Click here to download Tribus v2. The map is already fairly far in the building process, but I might as well make a preview topic about it...
The great level design is mostly seen in the fact that you can do the mission in any order you want. The great enemy encounters are mainly the...
Halo and The Silent Cartographer aren't popular because they're outside and are nice looking. They're popular because they've got a great level...
It's multiplayer, nobody gives a ****.
I wasn't confused, it's just that it makes no sense to write it like that. But I'll drop it.
It still makes no sense saying a map has framerate.
One thing I noticed while flying through the map is that it seems that you don't really have one consistent eh... theme so to say. You've added a...