Sweet. Yea, I told you I won't do anymore forging, so it's up to you lol I get off work at like 12ish. Seeya then.(go ipod touches!)
connection during the game was horriable btw. ask duck
lets just say we're in the losers bracket now...
Hello there. So i listened to some of your bands music, and I really enjoy it. Im highly thinking on buying your CD :)
get on reach. **** is on and ready to play
>_> oh great. Kuroda has an easy 8 kills at most if he gets his dirty hands on them. Assuming Rhorak plays someones team...
...what is that suppose to mean? >_>
...well..its within another map now lol its kinda big for a 1v1, and its asymmetrical. Me and Eightball are going to forge it...
hey, i finally make a full design for Thane. If we get on skype at the same time, ill send you the sketchup
hey, i just want to let you know...one day i'll beat you at a 1v1 ...its doubtful though
hey, i noticed something very important. Im doing some testing on the power weapons on premise, and the weapons have a set amount on the map. So...
lol yea i saw that. We have the whole week to get our game together, right?
yea, the message on my wall from one. Old news lol
So I hope we get some games in today before 5cst, cuz i have to work...
" I'll tell you my pro tip. Pro tip: (words)" I simply love...well you lol
So i would have sent you an invite today, but you were always with someone or in a matchmaking game :/ we shall duel another time broski ;)
I have the full version of Quake 3 now...im in love ♥ so much inspiration
No big deal. Im free tomorrow before 5cst. With your map, there was only 2 things i wasnt fond of. I like 1 grenade start, because it feels...
ok. seems like a plan, stan
hey ducky, when's the next time you can get on XBL? I wouldnt mind trying to get some 2v2s for warmups.