hey thanks :3 (sorry i didnt reply sooner)
hey there sexy duck. any news on Puri?
...wtfrenchtoast. make up your mind fool!
I'm glad everyone is testing it. Thanks guys. For all who might still be wondering. there is no Fx in the game, and i will not be changing my...
seems like you got the purps on. i demand a 1v1!
ok, well the only thing i really had in mind was some kickass wings that are red and white(or)black behind it. I was just going to make it more of...
hey, if i remake the RH logo, do you want it to still say "quae nocent docent" in the banner? or something else like "Review Hub"?
thanks :)
so, i forgot to change the healthpack location, and i already updated the thread with the new v2 map >.> you were suppose to remind me!!
i know a cool song that you can use for the video ;) Also, is my awesome flag carrier kill on Puri not good enough? :P
birthday*? lol thanks brah!