If you're looking for a very basic Photoshop introductory tutorial, this one's for you.
Not many people use Elements for this type of graphics design anymore. Sorry.
I scaled it down keeping the size proportions intact. If you want a rectangular signature, you'll have to move the text or distort the picture....
Try to work on giving your renders purpose.
I love these threads! [IMG] Early 2005, I believe.
I'm going to -rep every post you've ever made and ever will make. ;)
wtf w/e man i still gona use rain u cantt stop me Haha, I personally don't like rain that much, but if people request it in my graphics thread,...
This problem has been resolved. He's using a signature rotator, and as I've already stated, the type of GIF animation he wants would be 12...
Is there not just a move tool? That looks like an arrow? Or a plus-sign/compass? Edit: Like this??
[IMG] If Ulead isn't working for you, I can only assume you're doing something wrong. 1. Click the open folder to open your initial image...
Can't you just copy and paste?
Ulead GIF Animator is a great program. It costs money, but you can get a free 14-day trial.
Just try searching for tutorials on UVW unwrapping and skinning. I'm sure you'll find plenty.
Sorry, I'm not really the right guy to ask about skinning 3D models. I did some modeling back in the day, but I never really applied textures to...
I'm pretty sure he wanted the green signature to be animated, which is why a GIF was out of the question.
Bungie has stated in weekly updates that they acknowledge the community's dislike of the custom content limit, but it can't be changed with an...
For the record, a GIF that displayed the green signature for 30 seconds and then the grunt signature for 30 seconds would be 12.4 MB. That's why...
In my opinion, making a GIF is much more complicated and takes more time. Just create an account at RandomImage.net to create a signature rotator...
Wouldn't it be difficult to make a GIF loop that contains a GIF in it? Because you'd need the green animation signature to loop for say, a...
Yes, you can create an account on a signature rotator site. Then you upload pictures to your account and it gives you a single URL. The site...