The animation on the red one is painfully slow.
If she has tape over her mouth, how is she going to......? You get the idea. ;) I'm not a fan of the signature.
I don't typically like working with clipping masks. I just select the "spatter" layer, select inverse, and clear away the selection on the...
What program did you use? Illustrator?
Yes, but read my post above, because I edited it. :)
Could be for a couple of different reasons. The wisp layer might be on top of the render, and if the wisp was feathered rather than just cleared,...
September 25 is a Thursday. If Bungie does not support LTG or is incapable of adding that feature into the game, I bet they'll counteract the...
In all honesty, I feel that the map I made (in my signature) is a very good casual game. :)
It has come to my attention that we have a mixed community here, with members who generally fall into two distinct groups: Photoshop users and...
But the idea being that it creates a new effect. A motion blur is often just the beginning of a design, not to be left alone.
Click this button and it will form paths.
I think so, yes. Always give your signatures a border, by the way.
You should specify which program you're using. It would be so much easier if every member of the graphics section put "I am a GIMP/Photoshop/Etc...
It looks as though you used the magic wand tool to cut out the render. If that's the case, don't do that again. If it isn't the case, please say so.
You need to work on having a fixed focal point. Chief's head, the text, and the bars aren't working out well together.
For people wishing to contribute, this Halo 3 Emblem Generator might be useful. :) (Set size to 100x100 pixels).
What's wrong with a kill barrier?
Yes, and that seems like more work to me. You need to crop each part of the image, save all six images, upload all six images, and then do the...
What about Bryce?
Perhaps a 45 degree motion blur on the colorful block and then a Spatter filter on that would look nice?