Very nice dock, I actually thought it was OSX for a second, but it's actually much better than that, very polished. EDIT: 200th PAYYGGEEE!! AIIEE!
Good Holiday?
I can't remember why I added you. /confusion
My vote goes to DC, I was torn between Lildrummer714, XxK1LLR0YxX and DC's, very nice shots they all were too, good work, but DC's just does it...
The words are slightly tilted to the left, and the 'planet' isn't really rounded but you can't really help that. Good job with the people in it,...
New Desktop: [IMG] And yes Hari, please do, that would be awesome. :D Edit: Ignore the thin black bar at the top, that's my taskbar D:
Arg, shame it's only 1024x768, are all his wallpapers that size?
I need your wallpaper. Nao.
Lol, I just found this on my PC, and it made me lol. [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]
Thanks Hari, I'll be going to 7 from XP in the next few days. :D
Your avatar scares me.
Oh cool, I might try that for myself, or commission you to make one? ><
Did you make this?
pl0x d0
I'll be installing probably later today, I'll see. =]
Are you ever going to change your name back? Seeing as the whole '____ iz ____' thing is kinda over..
Win. :D Does Rocketdock/Rainmeter work on W7? I didn't get a chance to test them in the beta or the RC, and I was thinking of preordering it.
It's not Vista, it's XP, and I use Rocketdock with custom icons and a few Rainmeter skins. I edited my wallpaper slightly by moving the planet up...
Yes you are right, and :D