You got a high res version of your avatar? I <3 it.
I've downloaded those Splatter films, I'll capture them later today/tommorrow, I jsut got a capture card so it's eaiser now. I'll link you when...
When you wanna do that 1v1 then?
That's just because my PC froze under the immesnse 'pressure' of capturing as it's old. Sorry about that, nothing happened. :D
This is an oldie but a goodie, I love this effect, you made it pretty well too. 8/10
Yeah a little more meaning would be good, nice video quality though.
I agree with everything you said, I was going to make a montage using the Bungie Video thing, but I got fed up after my first 5 minutes ran out so...
I was quite happy with this noscope, this is also a test of my new capture card. YouTube - Capture Card test - Sound test The quality will be...
Copy of that wallpaper pl0x?
Aww, your website: "NOTICE: This domain name expired on 07/08/2009 and is pending renewal or deletion" /saidfaic
I like the idea, but as Kronos said it's not that convincing, try putting the coils deeper into the phantom. I might try this later if I find the...
Read the thread next time.
Woo, got the Motherboard bundle, I went on the website this morning and it said discontinued, I was like D: but luckily they had some in stock at...
That's a sig worthy quote. *Saves for later use*
You need to render this with the render to video beta, if not I'll render it for you. :D
Yeah I thought that, and I have a kick ass gaming case in my garage that I bought and have had no use for, for like a year, so 'tis gonna be...
Dude that was freaking SICK, I love your editing! Great syncing and gameplay, your my new favourite montager. :D
Where did you see the 2.2GHz bit? I forgot about that >< I'd probably overclock it anyhow. And that is a lil smooth I must admit, not too bad...
Oh god, I didn't see that there, I even looked, I'll change it now. Thanks for the heads up.
Nice, I suck with the sword, how do you swipe faster after you clash? Good quality too, did you use a capture card or the render to video beta?