Sorry it took so long, I had uber PC failz. [IMG] There you go. :D
<3 flr
I havn't got any render minutes atm, but I do have a cap card, I need to fit it to my new PC but link me to the clips and I'll see what I can do.
I'd agree with Mace, v1 FTW.
Wow, I wish my girlfriend had your attitude toward Halo 3. Kudos, I respect female gamers entirely, and your representing them very, very well....
The light is a little bit too much and the font is slightly bland, the random black in the center of the light also looks odd IMO. 4/10
Doubles later on my other account? Also, nice triple in MLG. :D
[IMG] My new AMD Phenom X4 PC. :D A fresh install of Vista Home Premium, even though it had to get about 86 updates. D:
Yeah, I just got my new PC all set up so I'll fit the CC later and hopefully that problem will be resolved.
Whaaat? There is some dirty going on in the inner workings of the Xbox system...
D: flr win this round... [IMG] <3
Why the <3? Are you coming onto me? o.O
Your avatar scares me.
Cool, hey, I'm not much of a forger either but you'll find plenty of other stuff here at FH. :]
YouTube - 264BCE Remember the HD button. :D
Nice name.
Meh, nothing special, no effects really, only that his head stands out. 2/10
48 hour trials, or any trials for that matter only work if you are a first time Gold subscriber. D: