How do you do rollover changes, such as in your sig?
I wouldn't kiss someone with a gun pointed at my neck. Interesting screenie, quite good really. 7/10
Hey, hope you enjoy your stay here, remember to read the rules and you'll get along just fine. :D
Everything in your Bio is what I am. o.O
Hey it looks like we are paired for the 1v1 Tournament, Winners Bracket 5 I'll send you an FR so we can arrange a time.
I disagree, the second one is perfect IMO. the first one, as someone said, was a good concept but the execution was not so good.
Pretty sure it's a killball far away? The One is the best IMO.
I took this picture on a beach and thought I'd siggy it. [IMG] This is only a very, very, very small part of the image and all I really did was...
YouTube - Montage Teaser Watch in HD.
I'm uploading my intro to Youtube, I'll link you when it's done. I'm hopefully gonna buy a HD PVR, as my curent cap card is horrible compared to...
Hey, sorry I had to quit, I had to get up at like 4am for work the next day. D: Good game though.
1v1. flr
Holy..Can I haz wallpaper? He uses Rocketdock, it uses the icons, it's like the dock on OSX.
Hate to burst your bubble but this was found a while back, the eggs are what fire the lazers out of the Guardian towers. /rant
Good point, second.
[IMG] No, this is Patrick. hadtobedone
Lock pl0x?
You have a sexy voice. /nohomo