Anyone seen the Perfect Storm? Everyone on the ship dies. They were all pretty much main characters, too. At least one person could live!
This is best picture I've seen that uses the "emptiness" technique. You can't even tell it's on Avalanche. Well done! 5/5 from me!
I'm getting tired of these pictures. It's really funny, though. It's just becoming an old joke. However, I've never seen one where the grunt is...
Very nice! It would be cool if this was staged and instead of plasma bullets from the ghost there would be sniper shots.
Jimi Hendrix Jimmy Paige John Lennon Johny Cash Eric Clapton
Perfect. Every single one. All of these pictures are way better than the Bungie Favorite ones, besides the Gargoyle picture. Nice job. No. Epic job.
Looks more like an epic actpion shot than a trying-to-be-funny-naming-it-blue-fairy shot. Oh well. Still, its an awesome picture. And it is...
Hey Ty, I'm willing to help you turn the Lone Grunty picture series into a picture book for children. I'm also willing to take 75% of the money...
He hacks.... and mods.... and uses standby. I bet he has modded electrified (no, not flaming) recon and a lightsaber instead of a sword.
Is this what happened when the Lone Grunty tried to save the grunt race from Covenant oppression?
Very funny! How is he going to save grunts from Covenant oppression? Also, is his weakness that skull that makes his grunt's heads explode into...
Very nice! It took me a while to realize where this picture was taken. This remids me of the 3rd Pirates of the Carribean movie when Johnny Depp...
This kind of vandalism is not approved on the ARK! Im sorry Brute #1065, were gonna have to fire you. I hear Master Chief is looking for a...
Yah, how did he "fall" off the edge? I think this may be a case of grunt homicide! What!? He's flying!? OMG! Its the Lone Grunty!
Yep, he sure got the role for Halo 300. Nice picture, though. It's actually quite funny.
Ooh, pretty colors! Very cool picture and way that you took the picture (angle, timing, etc.) is very epic. Good job!
You need to embed the picture in your post. You'll get more DL's. Lots of people are to lazy to follow a link.
Very funny picture! Did the other team get two points when you died?
This is actually really cool. I like how there is still scenery on the rest of the island and it is not just empty colored space
I don't really get this picture. Im not sure what this is supposed to be about. Did Master Chief kill the Legendary Chieftan? Ok, I just looked...