That was some epic Rube Goldberg-ness, guys. Must have taken a long time to make. You win, everyone else fails.
Exactly. Everyone wants Recon and Bungie knows that. They know people are going to be mad about their new game so they are going to include Recon...
Wow, this was really... dumb. The voices were hard to hear and I coldnt even tell what was going on. I know Lego videos take a long to make but...
That definately sounds like a good idea. Touchingup the walls would make it a lot more appeaaling and you could probabaly change the weapon set up...
Thanks for taking our advice. This version looks/sounds a little better but I honestly think you could have done way better on those. You have...
"They missed" was hillarious. The rocket one was also funny. I wish I had a rocket like that. The jet pack picture was the coolest. Stupid KSI...
I downloaded the map and had a look around. I like the general idea and layout of your map but there are a few things I think you should fix. 1....
Yah, I know. That was my bad. I didn't know that he had posted a picture like that. I thought he was just another user who accidently posted a map...
I want my Omega Gun!!!! Does it come with a waranty? Lol, nice idea, even if it wasn't yours. I give you a.... 3.5/5 on the last picture. You...
These are pretty coll but I must admit that I am getting tired of people throwing in some effects and explosions and taking screenshots. It may...
Thank you for figuring it out. There was, in fact, secret meaning to this screenshot. (Elites are gay)
To be honest those don't really look like meatal wings. It looks more like a large metal object cutting Master Chief in half. Nice try, though.
Not to be mean but these pictures are all pretty much pointless. I see no reason for posting these. THe second what is somewhat good because of...
This is a pretty good picture. I like the color effect. It ties in nicely with the whole "theme" of this picture. Well done, 4/5.
I started looking at this map before I read who made it and I said to myslef "This looks like something BattyMan would make!" Sure it enough, it...
I love all the references to Mario Kart in this video It was hillarious. Period.
Can I say "breakable?" Just kidding, I read the WHOLE post. The 200% gravity might get annoying at times but if it is the only way to prevent map...
[IMG] This special group of Elites are the strongest, the bravest, and the...... wait. Who picked out the colors!? Here is the link:...
I saw the first picture and thought: "Just another spaceship on Avalanche" That seems to be true.....However, you added something that: A. I have...
You know your a noob in Halo 3 if you message Shiska for recon