HAHAHA ! tHE JACouzi are great but dude how did you but object in the water me when i do it all my things are deleted ! ????!
Its look great ! But every body do a map looking like this so have more imaginationn !
Cool map but with each logicial did you represent your map ? Your map are great the bridge of the midle are very great but a to litle map for 2...
Could you do a slayer and flag version ? Because play infection in tunnel its great but doing slayer in tunnels its sickies !!!!! So do a slayer...
Wow good map idea i love the haloween theme of your map and i will download it and test it with my friends i will give you more comments !
Its cool to know they have a room under citadel but to do pic in the room i dont really think its the best ! lol !
I really love this switch Because the random weapon box are very cool you shoot the fusion coil and boom you pick-ups the weapon they feel down...
Ya all you had say going to be in the V3 and the v2 will be posted soo so thank you for all your comments !
Lime are very cool i love the degrade of the green to orange ! Wow you did a really cool effects !
Yeah i will do some screenshots in forge for better effect ! Thank You for the comment ! Ohhh !!!!!! Sorry that was not the question ! Lol ! Ya I...
Wow you did a really good job for your pic ! My fav. one is OVERCOME because i really like the marine and that one dont rally like fire !!!!
Good picture and you have used a very cool effect and can you let me know how you did it ?!!
Your screen shot are not working ! Try photobucket its all time working !
That is what i wanna say but in much longer ! So i will test it with my friends today and i will said what i think of your map !
Your base look very cool because you have fusioning the base of sandbox with the base of bloodglutch ! The midle look very original and the covers...
Wow you did a really good remake of warlock ! The teleport are very cool for them colome on each side of him ! The midle look very aeshwestic...
No you cant go at the top of the sniper tower and you cant go out of the map ! We cant put some raillings because we didint have enough of budget...
The are very cool the desing of the defenders baase are looks very like an old castle and i really love that ! But the prowlers idea are poor .......
The map looks great but i dont know i you can go in the laser spawn you will be stuck ! But the map are greats the base are simple and your weapon...
Thank you for all your comment and the v2 comming out tonight so enjoy !!!!