Can you send me your map journeys end to me plese my GT is DANJESS99 !
Just a litle idea do a slayer map and call him Heaven VS Hell and do one side hell and the other heaven ! but for youre map its so cool the stairs...
Wow for the cript its so WTF !?! Where can i get the map !
You sreen dont work ! do the change !!!
Wow i see all youre map pack and this one are very sick !!!! A ll the map you show are very identical in all thoose details ! But its too bad for...
it could be cool to play a slayer match out of sandbox ! and the spawn onder the map its not realy a good idae because some one camp at the...
Woooowww ! This is the best map i ever see in my all life !!!! the camo spawn are very beautiful , the place were are the kill ball are so amazing...
Good for fist post and maybe first map ! but add stuff because youre map are to open so .... change this and mybe i gonna had you a download !
Wow i think you are the first guys who he have a full sandbox map and he dont lost money to continue ! and the map looks like the map of my...
The map are to open ! when you walk on the wood bridge you are a easy target and when you go to the overshield to ! Change that !
Good map all are ok but the sword spawn need to be worked because i do a game on it and when you jump on the man cannon you are a easy target just...
I love all youre map ! The base have each propriaties the sword spawn are cool because she flothing . the sniper tower are beautiful and dont stop...
Hey Carbonne Its DANJESS99 i test your map and wow i love it but the first banked turn have a litle bug ! When you turn to at the down at the turn...
This map are amsowone ! I love the multiple stage of he map , the idea to but a banshee on the map and just a litle think ... We do not no what...