Wonder Showzen MEXICO - YouTube
Kiss Off Violent Femmes - YouTube
There's unintuitive controls and sluggish cover-switching movement, the player is extremely fragile on even the average difficulty setting, the...
It's not really a graphics or animation problem, just kind of funny. Lots of people like to play as attractive people in RPG games. Go figure.
I was going to say they look like deformed potatoes, but that works too.
Rocket Science. Dark comedy/ Drama. Great film, awesome soundtrack too.
All those faces look ugly as hell. Even the humans look like they're made of clay.
Don't go breakin' my heart?
Headphone shoes?
Headphone Beanie.
[IMG] I really didn't want to spend a lot of money this year on games, but how can I not buy a beanie that I can plug into things?
Yes you do. Deeply.
Hey look guys, Polio is back. Now we can all be like Chuck.
Those suck, watch Somewhere.
It's also sad and funny in equal parts. But definitely light-hearted and fairytale-esque.
Could also try The Brothers Bloom, Princess Mononoke, Somewhere, Hot Rod.
You can choose either 3 Assault Killstreaks, 3 Suppport Killstreaks, or the Specialist Killstreaks. No mixing. I don't know. It means that a...
I'm the solipsist, get your own thing.
Crossfire, Field Test, In Darkness Dwells and Working Through Pain were pretty good.
Why did I for a second question whether you would have a Batman film?