Four years old, already making me want to kill myself, and a .gif image? .grif? Makes sense.
And those links take you nowhere. Just a Black Friday joke or server mishap I guess. Edit: What Peg said
You don't remember MW3, Skyrim, Minecraft 1.0, Skyward Sword, Halo: anniversary and the new Reach map pack coming out in the same fortnight?...
Those shoes don't look very flexible, which I assume would be terrible for parkour.
Seeing as that's the core of your argument, that biodiversity is important, I was hoping you'd do that. That or cede. No, I'm saying that it's...
Animal species compete with each other and sometimes that results in the extinction of the prey species. The fact that humans don't kill other...
Save for a car because I don't like the odds of you getting into an accident with your new tattoo and dying.
You're such a doop. What's the ratio? 5 Gibbons are worth one human life? 10 to 1? Because you said it yourself, a human life is worth more than...
SHAME: "Sidewalk Conversation" - YouTube
Just mine a ton. There's plenty of mines around Marklarkthteshire, or just keep doing other quests until you find one in a chest. Oh here: The...
Dual-casting Firebolt (which is apprentice level) kills most human enemies in one hit. I don't even want to know how crazy powerful more advanced...
The sooner you learn to stop using Ian McKellen to prove points, the easier it will be. Correlation != Causation.
COD4 had an amazingly well-produced and thought-out story. The rest of the post-COD4 Call of Duty games are fair game, although MW2 did o.k as far...
[IMG] ... and you doubted me William.
The time it takes Earth to revolve around the sun is ~365.26 days, not 365 + 1/3 days. The 0.01 value is why they add leap seconds to the mean...
So his mind is blown ~100.022815 percent of the year?
Rushed, and made by people who lack talent. Or produced by such a process that the talent was diminished. Either way, when you're playing the game...
My sources tell me it's going to break street date on Thursday in Australia.
Adrian Edmondson & John Cleese "The Last Supper" - YouTube
You have strong arms right?