1. It is "a rather small map, comparatively" Wonder what that means... 2. Spring, around when the Herioc go free 3. Like how they are.... lol 4....
Hahaahaha.... that one I want! Lolz!
That is true...
Haha... same here. Finally someone agrees with me! :)
I am the only one that thinks this is cool? Cool!
This map looks soooo good! I can't wait!
You reposted this? It's not too funny, but it is. BARELY
Re: Foundry on the Computer *Help* Lolz... I am going to model the crates, but smoother than yours. They are basically just cubes... in the game...
Welcome! Hope to see you around. Don't post in all bold plz...
My mom has a thing about eyes. Can't even look at a plain eye. I wear contacts... It's not that bad...
Good-ish. The cut-out of GOW dude is good, but Master cheif, Samus, and Brute Captian both have white lines around them... and the one in your sig...
Thanks for the sticky! SketchUp is getting popular... you're welcome. Jk, it was project and me that brought you this program, really. Not trying...
Ahhhh! Gross and awesome. I like this type of stuff.
Re: Foundry on the Computer *Help* It is great! U didn't model the bubble sheild or Missle pod... did you? Cuz then you should help project...
GahhhH!!!! Go away!!!!!!!! LOLZ....
This is great! There is no way you won't be a guilder. With posts like these? We can't afford not to have a guilder like you. :)
Great idea... I am blank on more quotes... 1 sec. I'll google some. :) Here's some: "E.T. phone home." IDK. But it's a good quote. "I love the...
Creepy! I noticed that... lol. Great shot!
Really reeally good! I loved the assualt/ basketball part. :)
Re: new Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* Looks amazing. They gave us pretty much no info on OK Corral, so I'm glad they gave us pics of it first... Purple...