This looks great! I like the flag capture thing... I love brutes, too! D/L'ed. EDIT: That flag capture thing works on Iso? Where?
Welcome to ForgeHub... I have seen you before, but still: See you around... lol. I'm glad you are liking it!
Well hello! 1. Read the rules. (HERE) And try this map post creator (Voodoo's Post Generator) 2. Why are you sad? :( 3. Yeah... a lot of people...
Wow! "Just... GOD! Just get a life and STOP CHECKING IT!" lolz... I love the opening: "Umm... I would just like to say thank you to "le schizzle"...
Okay... where do you get these weird videos. This is so random...
HAaha... feature video of the week! "this is what i do. I sit on you. This is what I do. I sit on you. Right on the lap..." Lolz... hilarious.
OKay... I grinned, but just at the sheer riducolous-ness. Lolz...
So random... yet so hilarious. Lolz...
I just tried this... very helpful!
Wow! Lolz to teh max!
Sorry for double, but I'm done! Please tell me if you want different text effects... this one was also all drawn by me. Tell me what you think......
I have some ideas... but I don't have an XBOX right now... so I can't do a screen of your sig. I'll try though. Right now I'm doing something for...
Why thank you! I worked hard on it... and yes, I am making a few others that are to Sarge's specifications (his suggestions, really)
Lolz... looks like I'm a minority. I love plasma's. But, human weapons are the most effective. I like the brutes the best because the weapons are...
W00t! I am done... this one is literally a brain in a box, but I am making a brain-textured box, too. I drew this all myself. It took awhile... [img]
I am working on mine... It is going to be sweet! ;)
Re: Really good idea for a forge map - Look - o.0 Sounds good. But I'm not sure it would be fun for the VIP if he never got saved... I like the...
This looks very good! Nice way to get rid of honor rules... EDIT: it does eliminate them, right? I can't really tell. From your post, you would...
Yes... you can. I will update in a sec... I can't remember how.
It is easy to do curves... he didn't know.