Thanks alby! THat helps a ton!
Holy Crap! THis is amazing! You should change your sig... I thought it was good, untill I saw these! Great!
Woah... hilarious! That kid at the end is disturbing. "MMMMMMMMM! UHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! :Peace sign:" Lolz....
Cool... can you embed that video plox?
Lol... decent photoshop. Somone I know is amazing at photoshop, and made a picture of him running himself over, and then him as multiple...
Could be fun... but it takes away the up-close-and-personal aspect, IMO... I'll definatley rent it, then I might buy it.
Lol... I also sigged you. :) Is foundry done yet?
ME.... sorta. I found it on my own, long before the Bungie coverage. I was here on Wordpress (but never signed up, then.) I found it by looking...
Hey project! This is a great video. You truely are the sketchup guru...
Are all 30 of your posts spam? Jeez... well, Good for you! [/sarcasm] Sorry for the flame, but I hate spammers...
Lolz... this is a great series.
Wow... you are kinda gullible, sorry, but it is true. Pretty much eveyone would have it, its not very hard to do. There are tutorials...
That's true... thanks. Congratas on post count! You posted a lot since this one...
So likeqa perfect cube? I can definatley make that... that would have helped before... lol. That changes it... unlwss you like it how I made it?...
Nice! I like the pictures. I don't think that would be much fun...
I think it still would sink... unless.... you save and quit? Is that what you did? This is a good idea.
Nice! Now we can get some good remakes... I hope.
Why would I regret it? I can always change it back... I regret letting my brother make this one, because a bunch of people at school always annoy...
Yeah... I'm making it more "cubular" by Sarge's request.. thanks for the tips.
Well... I want to change my gamertag. I really want it to be: Saxophon3hero. It is available, and I want to change it. I'm just wondering what you...