Haha... this is funny. "Uhh.... I think I'm gonna be sick guys..." Haha... I totally saw that one coming.
Hahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaha *pauses to stretch fingers* hahahahhahahahaha. Greatest video ever!!! Thank you!
I've seen this before. This is hilarious!
Looks pretty good... lol. The first video reminded me of the "Hunt for the Hornet." It should be on "Halo", but they will never find it!
It is a joke....... what are you saying wow at?
Shnazzy, but I'm not a big fan. I myself like what Sarge is proposing...
Re: TurretLess Warthog Try using the search function guys... there are like two threads about this already... I'll try to find a link.
OKay... I'm still working (not that it is soo hard, just don't have time.) And if that was the forge fairy, and not emo asian girl, it would be...
Lol... silly Grif. Brute Captain has been here a while. You just copied and pasted that in a bunch of threads, didn't you?
OKay... instead of screens, embed the youtube video. Use l7o-KQnbSyE l7o-KQnbSyE EDIT: Looks great! Nice concept!
good work Cosmic! I like it...
No one was messing with you. It's a little joke around here. We hade things called marquees, which moved side to side. They got so annoying that...
It Would be fun none the less. Post it.
This is really cool, but the tuts aren't ready for most of them... :(
Hmmm....one sided VIP? Nahh.... Powerups could still work. Just get the timing right...
Make it VIP on bottom and he is the only one that can do damage? Or just give the top guy a custom power-up in the hall that gives 0% damage, so...
Look! HERE!!! Sarge confirmed that he left... sadface.
It sounds good... can you eliminate honor rules? That would be impossible, I guess... sounds pretty cool.
On topic: this is pretty cool! Thanks...
I have no idea... I think Asper said something about not saying he would "pown" other people or made a joke, which he took as offensive. Ask...