[IMG] Whatya think? Took me bout an hour, hour and a halfish.
Gunslingers cause of the nice vibrant colors.
Lul yes.
Sign me up. I voted yes, cause i felt like it, : P :P. Tag is LOL zombie.
Very well written, and very good points, + rep for you good sir, you definitely deserve it.
Hai, i got battlefield. Come play plox?
Get your ass on Battlefield and come play with me. CONQUEST!
Zomg. When did you come back?
Ur profile fails
Lul white
CantCant see what im typing! Ahh
Rofl! I love that. Nice proflie!
Steady hands, just take the wheel.
I want transparent buttons. Visitor messages...that bar.. it's transparent, right?
Well... I like Black, a lot, but it's too dark, IMO. And idk bout text colour.
Error in Gimp? Or the Fonts? Just End gimp, and then restart it back up. There is a lot of fonts, in general... Try restarting Gimp. And make sure...
Yeah. 800 x 600 is good. kthxbai
Don't post in threads that the last post is older than three weeks. If the last post was 3 weeks ago, DONT BUMP IT UP. kthxbai