No i liked the **** on your gurlz ovar thar.
What am I admitting to?
It looks really good on a dark background.
Naw. I just like those ti- umm... that...err.... nice ass!
When you save your sig, you should save as.. "blahnameblah.png" its much better. Higher quality.
[IMG] [IMG] Manga followed a tut. I liked the outcome. CNC plox Ace of spades is just a logo that I thought might look cool.
A sprite is... well a sprite.. umm... the character in this tut - GimpTalk • View topic - CREATIVE SPRITE Tut.
Lol. The text is awesome, and I love the border. The render should be a bit bigger imo. Good sig though. backgrounds fails also.
I like using 400 x 100 , 400 x 150, or anything in that area. If your doing something with a Sprite, use 320 x 120.
[IMG] Cnc plox
I don't do animations. Ask Skittlemeister. the other part is just pasted images..
The leg thats in the sig, is a bit pixely. Brush over it or make a very small path is an easy fix.
I post back in the group... just look ;)
Already done.
Fail. It's always been Graphics and Arts. Even before Vbulletin.. nub... xD
OO sounds fun. Like, 3 way Gimp masters challenge render off fight thing....
Render a day? something I could join? Anyway, it needs to be burned/doged in some areas, by the ear. It's too pixelish.
Okay, you know the Vine brush and all those other shitty default brushes. Well.. I accidentaly killed them, and need them back.. Do you think you...
Hey, do you think you could do me a favor?
Definitly High-Inter for sure. I really like this one [img] and this one the most. [img]