Looks good, Lone Soldier... I personally think the site needs a change. Not necesarilly that, but I want it darker. Black and gold, Navy and...
This is like Food Pronz. Needs moar naw scawp
Its bein talked upon.
Cough* use my helicopter *cough
Up the ass.
Beeboop. Hai
Only 200? Just get some star brushes. Erm.. I don't really use brushes. so don't ask me. Edit: Splatter brushes. They are very helpful.
He looks like somone the power rangers would fight.
Welcome to Forgehub homie. Please take a look at the rules before posting maps. Hope you find this site the best for all your forging needs. Also,...
Duuuddee... That blows soft ones. I would just buy a new one.
All it is, is text on a picture... Not really any work done to it. Sorry... Should be in Screenshot section.
No... really!
Camping...The wife has been really pissy lately. I think she had her period :\. Well... gonna go check up on my cat... brb...
I love it. The effects own. Make moar like this.
Congratz on feature man.
Whered ya go.. i miss ya so... sometimes i can't live without ya.. sicne you been gone.. Seriously, GTF BACK!
Jerking it? Rofl. Naw, needs more...cleavage for jerkage.