Go request one in the thread.
It was a brush.
No thanks. I don't really see the point to making another one, and I have other projects that are going on. So sorry, but no.
What would I be doing...?
She Has Tape Over Her Mouth!!!! [IMG] Win? cnc?
WAY over contrasted.
I win.. [IMG]
I just Clone stamp it. So much easier.
Err... He was being sarcastic...
You and me Diz... You and me... Is there a themee?
What is the size of the tut itself? Good tut though.
At the bottom.
Mah kizzles.
Very well done. I was amazed beyond belief. Best Halo3 AMV evar. well... pretty close.
Better stock fr request plox?
Listen to the voices! They'll tell you!
Why so seminal?
Don listen to em!