Hahahah, well if I was a member I would totally vote for you.
The entire thing is a joke, the thread, xF, and little kids getting all boo hoo about not getting recognized. Trust me kids, there are many many...
LOL. Those are some big shoes to fill.
LOL, yeah I do. To tell you the truth, I skimmed over the site and it's pretty much the same as FH except the community is way smaller and they do...
True that. My jaw still clicks to this day, I guess I just got used to it :0P
Yeah totally. And all this time I thought I got my Staff position by being a good member and gaining Loyal status and Premium status. Then being a...
[IMG] In a nutshell. Don wurry gai, itz gon b k. You can always join xForgery, I hear that place will be overtaking FH any day now.
Not much competition :0(
Halo 3 Game Details Woot, random RR in Multi Team.
I like it Cosmic, I really like it. I have yet to play a match, but I was there for the build and have since done a forge through on the finished...
Not complaining either :0) Anyways, I am gonna have a little H2 reminiscence party with myself in a few minutes, then I will be on H3 if you are...
Wow, 300+ dl's of Element already :0) Edit: I will check it out later fo sho, and you gotta show me this sandbox cannon thing.
I have a good idea for my solo map, so good in fact that I may not reveal the idea or the map until it's totally done.
You would.
You can't? That's odd. Have you contacted an admin about it? And no, there is no welcome thread yet :0( But there will be soon.
Welcome back to the poop :0)
I am downloading the Halo 2 map packs right now. Win.
You have the greatest sig ever created in the history of mankind.