Yeah I'm down, I am back to work so my free time is significantly reduced but I will do my best :)
Your map post is not up to standards, please follow Zep's guidline in the next 24 hours or your thread could be locked. :) Nobody else needs to...
Hey man, I used your prison bar aesthetic in my Conquest map, it works awesome.
Sorry man, I have heard of it but I don't own it :0(
lol, I thought we were already friends :0P
Get on and check out my map bish :0)
Shhhhhh!! We try and deny it, but what's the use? If knowledge is power, and those with power are corrupt, then your knowledge of our corruption...
Oh yeah, that is a IP provider who has temp access to our forum so he can track and ban the person who has been spamming porn. Supposedly he can...
Will do, it's in the crypt, whipped it out today. I'll be on tomorrow, but I go back to work finally on ThUrsday so I won't be playing late into...
I made a conquest map. :o)
Hey, you stole my birthday!
The Office :0) I never saw the first season and was spotty on the rest so I decided to watch them all again. It sucked because halfway through a...
Hey man, some users have expressed displeasure with your avatar, it's not porn or even too revealing but some factions of FH have disallowed...
Sunday perhaps? Maybe early tomorrow afternoon eastern time.
Dude, are you serious? "I got banned from xboxlive" with a link that has provided no info on what it actually is attached to it. Nobody wants to...
You posted a link with no description about what it was. In this day and age it could be anything. You should never leave it up to the reader to...
What do you mean you got banned?? Just take the sig you are using right now on every post and put it in your actual signature area. There is...
Fishy link is Fishy, erased and locked.
Please refrain from posting a big picture with all of your posts. You can include a picture in your signature by accessing your user cp and...