Ofcourse I dislike school. Pretty much any kid does. However, school is really important and its just something you have to do.
New Zealander party thread! >.< I would love to do what Randy does for a living. Except actually earn some money lol.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6ZZbrjA0H4 Every single stunt Randy Cambell has performed for the New Zealand TV show Back of the Y. Which is put...
I know what you mean dude. I watch it and then close it after like 10 seconds. But I feel like watching all of it the next day or something and...
You get barely any visitor messages huh? People are too scared to talk to you I think.. Hell.. I am too.
You has a page.
Bro Titmar Bro. Sup bro.. bro
We're not supposed to know how to use this. It's a secret. So please don't share how to do it.. everyone will start doing it.. and then it will...
They were put in there simply as a joke. A bungie employee said so himself. Also... notice the Ark in the top right section of the image?
Ofcourse I talk to women. I'm a playa yo, but its all good coz I got it like dat. When I say something like:...
Lol, I saw your sig. I tripped balls. I was liek.. Nemi got loyal?!?
Nooooooooooooooooooo :[ R.I.P man.
Congrats Ivory and Pulse Killer. Both look like amazing maps, I look forward to playing them when my xbox is fixed. and.. There was this one map...
:[ find ittt
Here you are EpicFishFingers: EDIT: Linked removed, due to pornographic images.
Install it.
Got Warcraft III?
So.. do you have Warcraft III?