lol. Can I tell her where you live?
Happy Birthday babe
Hey babe.
lol. Well you tried ^_^ Congrats on Preemz by the way. Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Poll Results
I'm Posotiveee. I've seen that map stolen twice before this. This is the original:...
I'm not going out of my way to shove something in your face because you made a mistake? I didn't even know you made a mistake. I was merely...
For me personally I didn't need proof because I already knew. I've already seen it stolen a couple times. One of them I was actually the d00d who...
lol, I knew it was stolen as soon as I saw it. I didn't need proof XD
Yep. It was originally made by Tyrant Hacker I think. Maybe it was smelly taco. I always get the two confused. But it's definately stolen.
neigh! [IMG]
YouTube - Top 10 Halo 3 Assassinations zomgyourfriendscorpulusgotnumberone!
Arlo Beaumont-Edmonds OMGOMGOMGOMG XD
She replied XD I'm Going to Tell You a Secret: Drunk is What Drunk Does, Sir!
Install Warcraft III
It's not offensive to anyone because it's spelt with an A on the end instead of ER
Taking what over?
Stop stealing pics from my imagechan! XD
Yeah I'm used to it. Been skateboarding since I was 10 years old. I kind of enjoy it. Taking a huge slam, getting up and trying again until I land...