Heh, you're not much older, man. Anyways: LOOK DOWN for posting standards __________________________________ Please take a look at this...
Pawn: Created by Metroshell ~~DOWNLOAD NOW!~~ Description: Pawn is a smallish map that has many different levels, but aren't packed on...
Thanks! People, please DL the map if you can and keep feedback coming please. ^^
lol. thats funny. :)
I want to see it be done! Besides, you would get shot after the grenade jump...
Looks like a pretty-well put together map. You have my DL.
Looks perty c00l. I'll try it out.
Thanks, I was aiming for better aesthetics, while keeping the great gameplay in mind.
Try it out and get back to me on the Energy Sword issue. I may have to change the respawn time.
Images aren't showing...
Looks like a great map. I'll DL!
Eeek! I hope people know that just by looking at screenshots. :P Looks okay. I'll DL and take a look. [edit] You need to start a Discuss...
False: Created by Metroshell ~~DOWNLOAD NOW!~~ Description: False is a remake of one of my old, sloppy maps, True. Almost everything about...
I have to admit, nice presentation.
[edit] nevermind [edit]
Ohhh! Interlocking Police caught you red handed!! Busted... I'll DL the map and check it out for ya. ^^
If you really care about what I said that much, than you're crazy dedicated to this map. I apologize for arising your feelings for it. =)
looks pretty cool
This is so kick ass. I hail the one who had this idea and made it come to life!
Alright! Sorry it took me so long to reply (this may be a dead thread now), but I finally remembered to do it! :) The gameplay on this is great,...