New to a game. New = Newbie = Noobie = Noob. It's an insult saying, "you're so terrible you must have just bought this game". That's how the...
I like to ignore the little people. It's not like they matter or anything.
I see you douchinbagging up the off topic. You're not funny but it's funny watching you try. :P
**** off **** ****er
You can't, you've got to have a colored rank (outside of warned/banned, mind you) to view it. Sorry, you guys don't get to decide.
Excuse me.
I pissed in a bottle and showed it to my Dad's new gf the other day. No one embarrasses me, though.
[IMG] Found this gem over at LG. Glad I don't like matchmaking, this must suck for the rest of you....
sphincter, okay?
Kapura to Journo plz.
**** off and i love you
[IMG] Perhaps you mean this?
klink dink dong ding wonk wink
suck my diiiiiiiiiiiiickkkkkkkkkkk laptop at mamas, on lil bros comp for a bit. what the **** up
Er... you callin' me out, Tex? Huh, huh? I apologize, I hadn't even meant to respond to this topic outside my original post... but then I had to...
Economy: No. It might help, but I'm sure there are plenty of other alternatives the government could take to help improve it besides legalizing...
I recommend uploading them to a single photobucket.
No one needs Marijuana (ie; luxury). I'm sure it'd be great to smoke after a hard day at work, but that still involves the same risks as other...
Apparently you've misinterpreted me. It's illegal, and the government knows people are unhappy about this. Considering alcohol is a more...
There was no sarcasm intended. I honestly don't understand how it could've been perceived as sarcastic.