Try a grav lift or a fusion coil to block away the blockage. They generally work well.
This is by far one of the best MLG maps that I've played on. And it does play differently than other maps. The larger side towers make map control...
Iron Epic Tusk. You win at everything forever.
Ugli Frowney Wet [Colour] Foundry Molten
If the switches are able to be used competitively, I would play the map, assuming I liked the other features too. There is no reason switches...
Simple solution: No bruteshot or roof.
Eviscerate Created by Bl00D F1R3 Eviscerate by Bl00D F1R3 is a very unique map. It is asymmetrical, competitive, and beautiful. Perfect for...
You forgot to change the map's description. It's a pity, because this is SO FUN.
Locked, as per user request. Please DO NOT BUMP THREADS THAT ARE MORE THAT 2 WEEKS SINCE THE LAST POST IN MAPS. Thank you, and have a...
I srsly doubt that. I have a highly calibrated bs detector, and it's going off the chart right now. Hardest part of SLASO: Iron, Black Eye AND...
Bungie favourites are determined by community sites now. The forums are really, really obsolete.
This thread is months old. Necroposting in the first degree. Locked.
Mallet, that's not always true. On complex forged maps when something is set not to spawn at start, sometimes it doesn't appear until you round...
Moved to Forge Discussion. I believe the trick is to hold onto the box pull it up away from the sinkhole of the floor, save and quit. Good luck...
Er, what exactly is your problem? You're very nonspecific. I know that after a certain amount of door presses the box starts to sink into the...
my roflknife goes sliceslicesliceslice
Well, money glitched maps are sometimes, uh, glitchy. I've seen graphics errors like all of the scenery strobing on money glitched maps. Also...
<3 ಠ_ಠ
Epic. Featured for sure.
Please do not post the same thread twice. Locked.