I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the tip.
E-cig? And I've got no substitute at this time =X
The literal deathstick. Cigarettes. It's not ****ing easy, and I'm dying here.
Somethin is wrong with the above post.
Check Shock (though his thingy is all wierd), Insane, and a few others.
It was probably one of the baggage handlers, figuring they'd get a free xbox. Why do you guys care if he's asking for 1 mil anyways? Nowadays,...
Welcome, enjoy the reigning idiocy & benevolent moderators.
my apologies, i hate that guy.
YOU'RE NOW A VICTIM OF A SUPER LOVE ATTACK!!!!@$()*#@)($@#$)(!_#@() You must make love to a nearby animal within 3 hours, or your ***** will...
Sorry, you were online at the time. You happened to be in the cross-fire of me needing to ramble.
When I get back, there better be some smothered childrens. I literally smell my laptop melting right now, g2g.
You expect me to make the bed after working 8 hours a day!?! Some women just don't know how lucky they've got it, I tells ya.
Wait, with the making me a sandwich, or the making me a sandwich? *****.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/hub-pub/60394-welcome-val-4.html#post767549 well-said.
Honestly, **** it. If it's going to end, it is. If not, it's not. Either way, what's going on here and now is rather relevant. Here you are, now,...
tis gun be a long day... i don't do mornings... why am i awake still?!? i said i was gunna go back to bed (after a rest of about 3 1/2 hours)...
Oh cmon insane, you coulda linked him to the literal directions on how to. You're slackin mister. =P Anyways, welcome blink, to Forge Hub. A...
Sorry, went to sleep probably right after you posted that.
Someone got their ass kicked in the debate section, didn't they?