I had a super long ****ing essay of an explanation written up. Then Firefox experienced an error. I am now going to be blunt. Some of you fell...
Calm the **** down... It's posts like these that are killing forge hub. God you people need to chill...
Wow, "Beware the ideas of April" <<< Well put together sir.
my pm was refering to helping me reveal the truth, anyone who's interested in that previous visitor message. i asked him to find that pic he had...
ya, it was a april fool's gone wrong. They planned for epic win, but forgot to lay out the foundation to the april fool...
**** YA TROGDOR!!!!!! noncaps
MAYBE I WAS WRONG ABOUT YOU!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL but still, do what my pm says pleas.e
conflicker virus. go.
I'm with epicfishfingers. Nobody call this man Batman. He will always remain Linou. Linoubidix.
Did they not expect me to find out? ...What's the point of all the stolen videos they have?! (P.S. they stole like 5 of my videos.)
"Halo 3 Pro Maps" is a youtube account which displays videos of user-created maps. Well, the problem behind that, is they are literally stealing...
This. I came in here to say this. It was said for me. <3
You shall be taken under my wing, so long as you don't disappoint.
Ah, I think I interpreted what that meant... I must have seen your name, and thought about how badass you were.
woah, how high was I a week ago?