Is this better than my last ones? : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
The blue box is supposed to amaze you. I'm glad it did! Unfortunately I can't reveal the secret behind the blue box to anyone at the moment,...
To be honest, I don't think that this idea is very user-friendly. By allowing you to change colors in such a complicated way Bungie would be...
Eye yam hurr.
Yeah really.
Your gamertag. I has it.
Oh wow Felipe I was seriously just going to post a link to that on his profile as well. o.O Telepathy much?
I shan't say a word. TOK is probably going to blow my mind over the course of this year.
For a 1v1 map it really depends, but I would say 3 grenades is your absolute max and that each should have a respawn time of at least 30 seconds....
Well, after downloading it and doing a thorough Forge-through I have to say that this map is definitely a diamond in the rough. I've yet to see a...
No prob. Is this for TCE or another group?
On the actual post (as in you have to be reading it), there are a few options in the top right corner above the text. For rules threads and the...
Oh wow. To be honest, I didn't think it would be as precise as it is but damn! It works like a charm. Excellent work Deathstars! I just did it in...
Filters -> Animation Done! XD
I didn't find it, I made it silly! With GIMP. And since I'm a Premium I can upload an animated avatar whenever I so desire. ;)
Gelatinous? It's a GIF. Like this. [IMG] XD