Dude. Dude. Your screenshot Big, bigger is on page 6 of the most downloaded screenshots of all time. Plus, my map Interrobang is on page 6 of the...
Turbo?! I haven't talked to you in forever! How goes life and such?
Me? Pro screenshot taker? Really? XD I'd call it beginner's luck to be honest. Anyway, TCE goes. I've been working on a few guides but I don't...
I agree with you completely Paulie. Everyone here's getting "hurt" because either their map's gotten a bad review or they are opposed to the...
Thanks for all of the feedback guys! It looks like Mirror will be getting a permanent spot in my File Share, but Discharge and possibly one other...
Wow. Citrus definitely does look a lot like Mirror. That's pretty freakin' crazy if you ask me. Great minds think alike, eh? Awesome shots dude.
Yes I did, actually. The problem with the idea is that it would just be a Spartan in front of a Deployable Cover if I moved the shot to just show...
Wow! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I really didn't know 90% of the things you said prior to reading it; this has been a very helpful post. I had...
Why thank you good sir! I liked Mirror the best too- I just didn't want to flat out say it and give anyone a preconceived notion before seeing it....
Would you be so kind as to check out the poll I posted in the screenshot forum?
Thanks for looking at it! And yeah I think I like Mirror the best as well. :D
Would you mind looking at the poll I posted in the Screenshots forum? You seem like you'd be into trippy colors and surreal screenshots. :P
Please vote for your favorite or favorites of these in the poll! Alright guys! I've returned from the last outing of screenshots (Neon Jungle)...
Congratulations on the feature, and welcome to the awesome color club! XD
Duly noted, my Cheez-It deprived friend. Duly noted. I've taken a few more since this, and I'll be posting a poll about the five of them in a few...
Thanks! Yes, I have the katana. I just never use it because it makes me feel nooby online. XD Anyway, for the record the Spartan in the picture is...
Would it be better if the Spartan was completely invisible or completely visible? What armor colors would be good? Which weapons? XD I'm such a...
Suffice it to say that I'm a bit of a noob with this, so bear with me as I present my first screenshot to all of you. Please post any and all...
Okay sweet. Thanks dude. I'll try to get a better one if I get on tonight. What is the standard for the "description" part of a screen? A quote,...
Wouldja say it's actually good or ****? For the reals. Like competitive pro screenzorz good, or first time good?