My name, gamertag, and name basically everywhere is Debo37. ;) And sweet, the screenshot section needs someone of your caliber posting...
Welcome, Alec. I know you from the Point and Shoot story as well as a little group called Epic Pic that we're both members of. Haha. Enjoy your...
OH MY GOD. That VM was one of the winliest things I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
NO U. I have an off block as well, my silly little friend. Besides. I have 5.2 done and nothing better to do.
How exactly would we hold tryouts? Stage a game of Elimination on Guardian and let the most fit man stay? XD
TCE Staff group, please check out and reply to the thread I posted if you will. :P
Link pl0x? I can't read the conversation.
What do you mean by "Sarge left?"
Too busy with IRL stuff to give a crap about anything videogame related to be honest.
I don't think an open discussion is a problem at the moment. If we're all going to be staffing it and running the place we may as well discuss...
Well, you make sure you have the advanced text editor set up as your default text editor in your options first. Then, you must colorize the text...
I think the "multiple versions of Sandbox" theory is now to be officially dubbed Pancake Theory. Unfortunately, it is my belief that Bungie likes...
Of course, you're a colored person. Be prepared to be the victim of many hate crimes and discrimination. :'(
Congrats on Premium as well by the way! It was well deserved and a long time coming!
Thanks for the present!!!!!!!
Thanks for the present!!!!!!
Thanks for the present!!!!!
Thanks for the present!!!!
Thanks for the present!!!
Thanks for the present!!