Evan's a Referee in TCE now, and if you didn't see already Gladiate's Head Publicist. The three other spots are still up for debate; would you...
Coforge. Sandbox. We must do it. Only I'll be the leader this time and you'll be the "minority partner." As in the actual Bnet file will be...
Oh goddamnit. I saw your sig and I lost the game... :'(
Sadly you do have a point. Alas, I would be far too lazy to organize something like this, but if it ever does go ahead as you planned consider me...
School is important to our society, but IMO it's almost completely worthless (aside from the social factor). 99% of the things you learn in school...
I can has invitation to FH Photographer group?
Sadly, the 29th of which you speak will never come... :'(
That's a relief. And that's really sweet too. :)
How's that? Was it a disabled camper or did you "take care" of a camper much in the way your stalkers want you to "take care" of them? XD
That sounds fun. What exactly did you do at the camp?
So just don't go to school and sit in an old folks' home for a few months to get enough credits to graduate then. :P
How much?
International Baccalaureate; it's a program kinda like AP. It's basically AP + more hardcore **** that I have to do, like write a 4000 word...
Thanks. I'm in IB, therefore I BS. Hopefully our writings work out for the both of us. :)
Haha well good luck on them then.
Wow that blows. When are they due?
That sucks. What about? As for me, I'm writing a lab report for physics to be turned in to IB. Blech.
How goes life, Chucksis? I don't believe we've conversed in quite some time. :O
I am for these changes specifically because of the fact that I've almost entirely lost my motivation for Forging since attaining this status, and...
TCE Staff Forum pl0x.