guy created back to back accounts: 1 2
That pic is just concept art. Though, we'll likely see that or something similar to it somewhere in the game.
Yeh Pyrite is good. There's about 8 or 9 I kept on my HD from the pack, which is an incredible feat, in my book. More often than not, I delete...
I've been waiting for this one to release. from the teaser trailer a while back I knew this map would kick ass. Then I ran around it with...
Ah you're right about Jim being with claires mom. But noons else who timetraveled actually changed their appearance
in that timeline Aaron is in LA with Sawyers old girl he conned (forget her name), he's also still only a toddler
It could refer to Sawyer, actually. Thats interesting. But with the whole Esau and Jacob "you know you can't kill me" bits in Season 5's The...
I don't think its Jacob. The kid refers to Jacob in the third person. I think its another 'special' kid like Walt is. Walt would always appear...
Video by WhtButterflyLiz ***you may recognize the name, she created the Sandbox Sketchup components that many of us use to plan our maps, and also...
Hey random kid in the jungle that knows a lot apparently... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! Aaaaanyway, here's a list of all the names that are...
If you see me on, invite me. But depending on what Im doing at the time, I might not join (like if im forging or playing RR)
yep you got em working now. The center structure looks pretty awesome, but a lot of the geometry on the attackers base seems unnecessary, and...
On a somewhat related yet still a side-note, It doesn't look like you'll be seeing medals actually show up on the screen while playing. At least...
There IS a forerunner structure on the planet Reach. Menachite, I believe its called. You can read about it some on HaloWiki or whatever, or in...
Agreed. The area inside the rock on the right is likely just as large as the building on the left is. And there's an entire section behind the...
you can't just copy the url, you must save the images to your computer, then upload them to a image hosting site such as...
interlocking has no correlation with lag.
the video interview with curtis creamer on IGN said Elites in MP
the quick assassination vs animated elongated assassination was implied by Curtis Creamer in the ViDoc, and has also been implied that we'll have...
thats likely cinematic, not like an action you can perform.