The sigs are good overall and the effects are awesome but you couldnt have found a better render of ichigo and one that doesnt make naruto look...
It look like he is spitting... You could make just one thread for ALL your sigs.
I notice the guy in the corner changes everytime. ;D
No... The only reason the bug could do that was he was a cockroach and they bend into small shapes easily. Like oooh a Ipod.. I fit one in my dead...
His name is Harvey Dent A.K.A. Gothams White Knight. lol I P00NE.
Hey I've been playing nexon games recently ( there free mmorpg's) and was wondering if anyone else played them. Also recomend checking them out if...
Toad+Toadette from Mario Cart Double dash. I can win every race with them. Otherwise link, Eliwood, and any Blade Master(or w/e) from Radiant Dawn.
The shine looks really bad because it looks like its only one color and doesnt fade. Other than that... its ok...
I like the one with Lelouch the best... Mostly because Code Geass is the best anime, but still its good.
Its more basic and cartoony... I tried gimp and hated it so I say PS is better but it costs moneys...
O_o ignore teh idjits statement he didn't shimmie right... The guy in H.O.M.A.M. did it better...
MAKE ONE THREAD PLEASE. Also don't really like how the render takes up almost all the sig.
Neighbors, he spent the night at my house because his parents were having there anniversary.
He's got a beard... (note:this is KnightKninja)
That.. is... ****ing... awesome! I love the eye on the colored one and now I want to get a psp just for that game.
Yes buy i heard it was gonna be mainly the zombie game thing online. We would if you had them all in the same thread... Also it is really plain...
maybe try putting the fencer on the other side by going edit, transform, flip horizontal, then move over. That way hes in the light instead of dark.
Just changed my SOTW from this: [IMG] to this: [IMG] Tell me what you think.
I still havnt found an image other than that that I like unfortunatly EDIT:nvm just found one and will have a new sig posted within the hour.
The guy himself looks awesome but those lines on the side look horrible. Get rid of them and make them more subtle or just shrink the whole thing...