YAY! I've been curios about some of your effects and wanted to ste... use them.
maybe give some pictures?
Turbo... I still don't know what the hell yours is.
Ya exactly lol I just went over the bg.
Ya, I don't have the time right now too make one too show you, but all the colors are one solid one, make them different shades so they shade into...
I like it but did you do anything besides add c4d's and make BaW. I use c4d's too so I can't talk too much but that's all it look like to me.
I think stocks are more fun. They arn't hard to work with either since with editors you can change the color and just take parts out.
The colors look horrible. Try making them not so solid. I do like the squares though. Mostly because I cant use it.
um what?
I support all anime :haha:. It is a good sig, but the huge blurb on the bottom right just isn't doing it for me.
So your sig has terrorists hiding in it?
I don't think killing humans it too bad after all the **** we've made to do it with. However hunting is wrong. STOP HUNTING TODAY!
Sad face... Who will I argue and find strange stuff with?
I like it, but I don't think it works with the render. Spawn CREATURE OF HELL!!! IN HIS MIGhty (mumble)glitter and sparkles...
why is rain leaving for a week?
Maybe im just a dumb nub, but what is it?
As usual its haruhi, but I support anything anime so its awesome. Not a gif expert so I see no flaws.
No offense, but those look horrible. It look like you went into paint and put squiggles on them. There's also random strings of red.