I'm actually not fond of it.... It's just too blank and poorly constructed. Sorry.
Haha... I bet you have Jelleh. What's up with ur Crack sig? i dun get it
Haha... Yep. You're tone just wasn't right though. Idk if I'm gonna stick around though. I just got PS after a long time so I'm a bit rough but...
Ummm.... M. Jelleh? Really? You know me better than anyone. Unless I'm just not picking up on the sarcasm =/ And thanks everyone else for the...
Okay so I just got PS again after formatting my hard drive a LOOONNNNGGG time ago so I'm a bit rusty but I think this turned out pretty good. I...
Right Side is generally bland and you need some blurring or smudging or something on the far left. Also some downsizing and a lot of cropping...
Contrast is like.... The distinction between the colors. For example. A really dark grey and black wouldn't have much distinction. And yet white...
Hmmm.... Okay so first things first. The pics themselves are WAY too big. The huge white half of it makes it seem empty and lacking. Usually good...
Uh... Dude. Search Breaking Benjamin Phobia on any search engine. The cover itself is supposed to be a grungy low quality pic. That is the style....
Okay since I've heard this a couple time.... THEY ARE .PNG'S!!!!!!! Edit: Except the Original...
New version posted...
Okay....? Yes I did use the original pic that I posted. I also did a LOT of overcontrasting then color selecting and layer masks and stuff to get...
So I saw the Phobia album cover and didnt like it so I made it better... w/e here. Original: [IMG] Mine: [IMG] Mine V.2. Took out...
^Tiz true... LD is where 90% of the G and A people hang out.
Ummm... Idk. I looked for teh UCnCT but it was buried and I saw a bunch of new CnC threads so I just made one... w/e. Oh and thanks. Still need...
Okay so here is a sig I made recently... It started off as a stock of wolverine on a black BG and I did stuff... Everything in red is custom and...
Ummm.... Here are two that I made with almost the same style... CnC please. [IMG] [IMG]
Okay so I made this in around an hour and here it is... CnC please. V.1. [IMG] V.2. [IMG]
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Okay sooo... I was just posting in the UCnCT but I see that people are just making CnC threads now so here goes. Please tell me which is the...