ok did you even read the post you cant drive the tanks and it is supposed to be sloppy because it is a city after it has been bombed why dont you...
No you cant get in veichles and i metioned that in the paper text The crooked wall are because the city has already been bombed but they are...
MORE Pictures Yah!!! The Boss Zombies duh duh duh! Hammer...
[IMG] Pictures: http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/3D4DE87C52CE39B22FBBA909848850E1/"][IMG][/URL]...
that scarab reminds me of the scarabs on my newest map im glad people are realizing that one giant scarab in the middle of the map is getting old...
OK i tried one more time with teles and it worked so thanks
Yah i wish i had done that but i have already made almost half of the map and i dont want to have to start over i am just adding the veichles now...
ive tried it maybe i should it a few more times though thanks
Well today i am working on one of my new maps that takes place in the crypt and it requires lots of veichles like two scorpions since the name of...
Hey you are in the SSO i didn't know that
Oh no it wasn't a let down it isnt that big of a deal
Well about the elephants map idea i dont think it would work out as well but that could be pretty good if executed right maybey you can try i...
Yes about the pathway there are two differant ways or more but all going along the same basic path like you can go for high ground via the UNSC...
I just played a game of ffa snipers on here with only 4 people and it was really fun just make it so that the banshees dont spawn in the custom...
Yes it was pretty hard to get them the same i think i did a pretty good job at doing so although you will find a few spots on one scarab that you...
To be honest i really like this map. The sniper towers look great and the gameplay seems like it would run smoothly i will dl and try it out. It...
Map update If you have downloaded this map and realized that it does not work for ctf that is because for some reason the flags got deleted so i...
This map looks really good i like the scafolding bridge and the big bases. Something about those big bases reminds me of this one map in Star Wars...
actually i was going to put raillings on the cat walks but i hit the item limit because i used a blank canvas and those walls are pretty hard to...
well i was originally going to do something like that and make it one sided assault but i made a second Scarab that looked so nice and then a...