the problem with the dominate all gametypes thing is that somehow all the objective markers got deleted and i hit the item limit but im orking on...
Hey i have already started a v2 of Kehpri's maybey tonight do you wanna check it out?
when you post a pic on photobucket you can edit it and make cool effects
yourwelcome it is an amazing map
This map is amazing i love it the gameplay is great for 3v3 which is really the only type of game i can play because only a few of my friends...
Well the colors caught my eye but i have more to say about the map. The map looks to be forged perfectly and awesomely i love the idea of this map...
yes they should have wings lol. Well i have about 150 dollars left but i hit the item limit because i did not use a stacked canvas so if you do im...
check out my new map Kehpri's
Hey thanks for the video here is a link to the post Kehpri's
[IMG] Video By Aundre Skribble VIDEO[/SIZ"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad...
Hey dude can you make a vid of my map when your online next it is done and really awesome. well i think it looks awesome.
He ran into the object limit so he can't make a roof and there is little merging other than the scarab (which i made cough cough..) but the map is...
Those cranes look really good as does the rest of the map the surfaces look smooth and it looks perfectly semetrical where it is suposed to be i...
aundre glad to see that you posted this and great post for a first post. This is a really nice map and im glad to have been a part of watching it...
Actually i am going to have to do yard work all weekend so it will be done by next sunday
Thankyou everyone who has posted and dl'd look out this weekend for the v2 that will be made.
Well i was thinking it would be more like in cloverfield where the military had n o choice and no time to get their units out and thought there...
Here is a link to the beginning of a machinima it takes place on the map and is pretty cool it shows off all good points of the map and bad ones...
sorry im tired and kinda rushed through the typing and i agree seeing bad grammmmmer is hard to reed.
well actually the pieces are nicely interlocked and strategecly placed to look like broken buildings Well i see where you are coming from but...