welli think that family guy is really funny but not nearly as good a show as southpark thanks for the comments though
wow gunnergrunt you amazed me with gold rush but i have to say this is twice as good as gold rush i did a forge through of it the other day and...
you did not get rid of the cross good for you :) well i dl'd and played the first one but this one looks alot better i liked the first one but...
hey i want to be your first friend on forgehub :)
they are just trolls i would just ignore them the map deserves a 10/5 stars i forgot to post it for a feature i'll do that now
you stole my gametype name no im kidding but im working on a map pack called the pnademic map pack. Anyway onto the map. I would have to say...
yah i might make another with the grav hammer problem fixed but thanks for the comments.
sure once i put it on my fileshare ill send you a link
Needs waaaaaaay more Geo-merging :) This is the most amingly well forged mansion map i have ever seen infact it is one of the best map i have...
oh sorry for not sending you an ivite to my maps testing i thought i did invte you sorry
i think you should make either the room with all the drones or the hanger where you have to clear out the covenant but so far the big hallway and...
he is holding a sign that says #1 on it
i ran out of smaller weapons though i dont like the collar either but it is the best i could do with the weapons i had thanks though
thankyou and it took around two hours to set the whole thing up
[IMG] This is just my opinion dl and put in your fileshare (you dont have to if you dont want to) if you agree that South Park is a better show...
you cant upload images from Bungie you have to emmbed then from an image hosting site. Go to Haloscreenshots.net and type in your gamertag in...
wow this map looks pretty awesome. It looks really neat and from reading all the replies i think i want to dl it looks really smooth and looks...
wow this looks pretty fun i am having some infection game tonight so i'll dl and try it out it looks really good you have a nice house. I once...
lol is that is a Dane Cook joke. But i have one thing to say how many good deeds does it take to get to heaven if that is the case what if you...
Hey thanks for helping me with my map it is turning out great i ran out of weapon holders so i'm going to hang the spikers from the little wooden...