Someone didn't read the Description, The Random tubes actually go somewhere (cryptcryptcryptcrypt) One set goes in, Ones set goes out.
This one looks hard! Looks like it needs interlocking on some of the turns but other than that it looks real... Dangerous. Overall, 3/5 Its good,...
This map is called Vein and the reason it is named that is Because my brother said it reminded him of Blood Gulch, So i named it Vein to keep with...
To the map or the DL?
I'm not keeping this thread anymore... Sun Pancake is Dead... For Now...
Yeah, I'm fixing up DK Mountain and Bowser's Castle from Double Dash And i'm taking requests for Mario kart Maps, Has to be from the N64,...
Thanks for the advice, lol, This is the first remake/inspired by map of Boarding Action? Ironic because its the most popular Halo: CE map, And no...
Thank you all. I will make v2 and i will also recreate tracks upon request. (Has to be from N64, GCN, Or Wii versions) And for those of you...
Hey if you've ever played Mario Kart Wii, you should recognize this track. Starting Line [IMG] 1st mushroom bounce [IMG] Alternate...
I ran out of stuff to make the two sides longer.
Thanks for the advice, Should i get rid of the Banshees and switch the Trans Hornets to Regular hornets? and the Armored turret actually doesn't...
This is Aegis Fate, Inspired the Halo 1 map, Boarding Action, Works with CTF, Team Slayer, KOTH, and Oddball. It has not yet been tested yet, But...
This is the v2 of Arhcitype. Changes from the original: --Interlock Regen Towers, --Added Equipment (Regen X2, Grav Lift X2.) --Added Reg....
So True... But that 2012 thing? Mayans are crazy they don't know what they're talking about. Jesus will come down from Heaven and take all...
Thank you both! yeah when i get off my lazy butt i'll go back and interlock what i can.
This is my first map post here. This Map is called Mombasa Mansion, And its just a big 3-story house (Not including the bunker) Its an...
Ahh GAWD I hate that thing! Its the one video game boss that i still (and probably will never) defeat.
Haha, You named it Halo Creed? lol. Any way like i said yesterday its pretty good, I can help you with Interlocking on a possible V2.
Hi everybody, I'm Greatjedi7 and... well... Hi now i just need to link my gamertag and it'll be ready! heheheheHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:haha: